
Hello,this is my blog, i will include vocabularies, images and possible comments of the science class.
movement.Hope You Enjoy!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Protist and Fungi

Protozoans: are one celled animal like organism with a nucleus.
Cilia: are short hairlike parts on the surface of the cell.
Sporozoans: are protozoans that reproduce be forming spores.
Spore: are special cells that develop into new organism.
Algae: are plantlike protists.
Multicellular: means that an organism has many different cell that do certain jobs for the organism.
Slime Mold: are funguslike protists that are consumer.
Hyphae: the bodies of most fungi are made of a network of threadlike structure.
Sporaguim fungi: are fungi that produce spores in sporangia.
Sporangia: are structure, found on the tips of hyphae, that make spores.
Club fungi: fungi with club-shaped parts that produce spores.
Sac fungi: produce spores in saclike structure.
Budding: is reproduction in which a small part of the parent grows into a new organism.
Mutualism: a living arragenment inwhich both organism benefit.
Lichen: is a fungus and an organism with chlorophyll that live together.

Viruses and Monerans

Virus: is made of chromosome-like part surrounded by a protein coat.
Host: is an organism that provides food for a parasite.

Parasite: is a organism that lives in or on another living things and gets food from it.
Interferon: is a chemical substance that interferes with the way viruses reproduce.
Vaccine: are substance made from weakened or dead viruses.
Bacteria: are very small, one celled monerans.
Colony: is a group of similar cells growing next to each other that do not depend on each other.
Capsule: some bacterias have a sticky outer layer.
Flagellum: some bacteria move with a long, whiplike thread.
Fission: is the process of one organism dividing into two organism. 
Asexual Reproduction: is the reproducing of a livind thing from only one parent.
Endospore: is a thick walled structure that forms inside the cell, enclosing all the nuclear material and some cytoplasm.
Saprophyte: are organisms that use dead materials for food.

Decompocer: are living things that get their own food from breaking down dead matter into simpler chemicals

Kochs postulates: are steps for proving that a disease is caused by a certain microscopic organism.
Communicable disease: are ones that can be passed from one organism to another.
Antibiotic: are chemical substance that kill or slow the growth of bacteria.
Biotechnology: is the use of living things to solve practical problems.
Pasteurization: the process of heating milk to kill harmful bacteria.
Blue-green bacteria: are small, one celled monerans that contain chlorophyll and can make their own food.


Classify: means to group things together based on their similarities.
Trait: is a feature that a thing has.
Kingdom: is the largest group of living things.

Phylum: is the largest group within a kingdom.
Class: is the largest group within a phylum.
Order: is the largest group within a class.

Family: is the largest group within a order.

Genus : is the largest group within  a family.

Specie: is the smallest group of  living things.

Scientific Name: the genus and the specie named together.
Moneran: are one-celled organism that dont have a nucleus.
Protist: are mostly single-celled organism that have a nucleus and other cell parts.
Fungi: are organism that have cell walls and absorb food from their surroundings.
Plant: are organisms that are made up of many cells, have chlorophyll, and can make their own food.
Animal: are organisms that have many cells, cant make their own food and can move.

Features of Life and Cell

Reproduce: means to form offspring similar to the parents.
Development: is all the change that occur as a living thing grow.
Consumer: are all living things that eat, or consume, other living things.
Producer: are living things that make, or produce, thier oxn food.
Cellular Respiration: is the process by which food is broken down and energy is released.
Cell: is the basic unit of life.
Adaptation: a trait that makes a living thing better able to survive.

Cell Membrane: Controls what move into and out the cell.
Nucleus: contol cell activities.
Nuclear Membrane: controls what moves into ande out of the nucleus.
Nucleolus: help the ribosomes.
Chromosome: Carry information that determines traits.
Cytoplasm: Contains cell parts.
Ribosome: Where proteins are made.
Mitochondria: Produce energy.
Vacuole: Store food, water, and minerals.
Centriole: Help with the reproduction.
Chloroplast: Makes food for plant.
Cell Wall: Protects and support the cell.

Diffusion: movement of a substance from where there is a large amount of it to where there is a small amount.
Osmosis: the movement of water across the cell membrane.
Tissue: is a group of similar cells that work together to carry out a special job.
Organ System: a group ogf organs that work together to do a certain job.
Organism: is a living thing.